Occupational Literacy Practices Among Local Government Employees in Kwara State, Nigeria
This study analysed occupational literacy practices among local government employees in Kwara Central Senatorial District, Nigeria. It also investigated the influence of gender, religion, job specialisation, length of service, worker cadre and location on the literacy practices of local government employees. The research type adopted for this study was a descriptive survey of the cross- sectional type. The population for the study comprised all the local government employees in Kwara Central Senatorial District, Nigeria. Three hundred and ninety-four (394) local government employees were sampled for this study, based on the selected Local Government Areas. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. A researcher-designed questionnaire, comprising sections A and B, was used for data collection. The instrument used was subjected to a test-retest method and found to have a reliability coefficient of 0.76’ The findings of the study revealed that document literacy, prose literacy and quantitative literacy were the most common occupational literacy practices among local government employees, with document literacy as the most common one. It further discovered that there was no significant difference in the occupational literacy practiced by male versus female local government employees. Also, religion, specialisation, length of service and work cadre had no influence on their literacy practices, while there was, however, a significant difference in the occupational literacy practices of urban versus rural local government employees. Based on these findings, it was recommended that civil servants should be given opportunities to participate in occupational literacy programmes, such as workshops, writing journal articles, writing memo and further studies that would help to improve their literacy practices both for increased productivity as well as for self-improvement.
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