Kesediaan untuk Berubah Dalam Kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah di Negeri Kelantan

Readiness for Change Among Primary School Teachers in Kelantan

  • Nik Noraini Raja Abdullah Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Noor Hisham Md Nawi Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Keywords: appropriateness for change; discrepancies; efficacy; management support; personal valence


Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian kuantitatif menggunakan kaedah tinjauan. Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan tahap kesediaan untuk berubah dalam kalangan guru sekolah rendah di seluruh negeri Kelantan. Daripada jumlah 16, 305 orang guru sekolah rendah di seluruh negeri Kelantan, seramai 413 orang telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Data berkaitan 6 dimensi kesediaan untuk berubah (kewajaran berubah, sokongan pengurusan, efikasi, valens personal, diskrepansi, dan komunikasi) dikumpul menggunakan kaedah soal selidik. Nilai pekali alpha bagi soal selidik yang digunakan adalah dalam julat di antara 0.812- 0.948. Kajian mendapati guru mempunyai tahap kesediaan untuk berubah yang tinggi. Didapati min bagi dimensi luaran (sokongan pengurusan, komunikasi) kesediaan berubah lebih tinggi daripada min dimensi dalaman (efikasi, valens personal). Guru-guru bersedia untuk berubah sekiranya faktor luaran dapat dipenuhi. Kesediaan untuk berubah guru didapati berbeza mengikut jantina dan tempoh berkhidmat. Tahap kesediaan berubah guru lelaki didapati lebih tinggi berbanding guru perempuan, terutamanya bagi dimensi sokongan pengurusan dan kewajaran berubah. Guru-guru baharu menunjukkan tahap kesediaan untuk berubah lebih tinggi daripada guru-guru lama, terutamanya bagi dimensi komunikasi, diskrepansi dan sokongan pengurusan.


This study is a quantitative research using survey method. The aim of this study is to determine the level of readiness  for change among primary school teachers in Kelantan. Among the 16,305 school teachers in Kelantan, 413 teachers were selected as respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather the six-dimensional data on readiness for change (appropriateness for change, management support, efficacy, personal valence, discrepancies, and communication). The alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was found to be in the range of between 0.812-0.948. The findings revealed that teachers had high level of willingness for change. It was found that the min for external dimension (management support, communication) was higher than the internal dimension (efficacy, personal valence). Teachers were also willing to change if the external factors can be met. In addition to that, the willingness for change among the teachers varied across gender and according to the length of service. For instance, the male teachers had higher level of willingness for change than the female teachers, particularly in the dimension of management support and appropriateness for change. At the same time, new teachers demonstrated higher level of readiness to change than the senior teachers, especially under the dimension of communication, discrepancies and management support.

Author Biographies

Nik Noraini Raja Abdullah, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Nik Noraini Raja Abdullah is a Senior Lecturer at Jabatan Pengajian Melayu, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Her expertise is in pedagogy enhancement. Her research interest is mainly to determine the level of readiness for change among primary school teachers in Kelantan.

Noor Hisham Md Nawi, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Noor Hisham Md Nawi is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Language Studies and Generic Development in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. His expertise is in Religious Studies, Religious Education, and Curriculum Development.

How to Cite
Raja Abdullah, N. N., & Md Nawi, N. H. (2018). Kesediaan untuk Berubah Dalam Kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah di Negeri Kelantan. International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 1(2), 40-59. Retrieved from