Arabic Language Teachers’ Practice of Reading Aloud Skills While Teaching Literary Texts

  • Abdulqawi Anaam Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Kamarulzaman Abdul Ghani Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Ahmad Abdul Rahman Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Keywords: Amount of practice, Arabic Language, skills of reading aloud, literature paragraphs, primary education.


Reading aloud is considered the basic introduction to the development of vocabulary, enrichment of language dictionaries, and development of the ability of imagination which motivates creative thinking. Therefore, this study aims to identify the amount the Arabic language teachers practice skills of reading aloud while teaching the literature paragraphs at the end of the primary education from the view point of the educational advisors. In order to accomplish this, the study used the descriptive analysis. The sample included 60 educational advisors who work in the field of educational supervision in basic education schools in Taiz Governorate - Yemen for the academic year 2019-2020, which constitute 43% of the population of the study, chosen randomly. The results of the study showed that there is a decline in the amount of Arabic language teachers’ practice of skills of reading aloud while teaching the literature paragraphs at the end of the primary education.  There were significant differences at the 0.05 significance level that could be attributed to the level of education (Masters or higher) of the educational advisor in his evaluations of the amount of Arabic language teachers’ practice of the skills of reading aloud while teaching the literature paragraphs during the end of the primary education.  There were no significant differences at the 0.05 significance level that could be attributed to experience in the area of educational supervising and advising for the educational advisor in his evaluations of the amount of Arabic language teachers’ practice of skills of reading aloud while teaching the literature paragraphs in the last part of the primary education. Based on the results of the study, a few suggestions were proposed such as establishing special training programs for Arabic teachers of the primary education during their service. This training would include teaching reading in general and teaching reading aloud specifically.

How to Cite
Anaam, A., Abdul Ghani, K., & Abdul Rahman, A. (2020). Arabic Language Teachers’ Practice of Reading Aloud Skills While Teaching Literary Texts. International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 3(2), 14-32. Retrieved from