معرفة الحوار الأسري في ضوء القرآن والسنة

  • Mukhtar Ibrahim Umar Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: الكلمات المفتاحية: الحوار الأسري؛ القرآن والسنة؛ المعاشرة الزوجية؛ أهمية الحوار الأسري؛ ضوابط الحوار الأسري؛ النماذج المثالية في الحوار الأسري؛ كيفية إدارة الحوار الأسري؛ فوائد الحوار الأسري.


This research aims to clarify the important aspects related to family dialogue, and what men and women should know that would provide them with information that contributes to knowledge of family dialogue. Thus, it is easier for them to implement the ideal dialogue required to be used in marital relations and in confronting family problems. This research came to provide a clear picture of the concept of family dialogue as stated in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah and the importance of its application in marital cohabitation, and to explain those controls and benefits related to family dialogue and their relationship to marital cohabitation, and at the same time confirm that the guidance of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, includes all aspects of life. That is, he, peace be upon him, did not leave anything good without pointing us to it, and nothing evil without warning us about it. This research presents these controls and benefits, adopting two approaches: analytical and deductive. To follow the texts, analyse them, and extract from them the relevant controls and benefits. Using the sayings and opinions of scholars and researchers, while explaining the positive contributions that these controls and benefits add to the process of family life and marital cohabitation, citing the Sunnah of the Prophet and strengthening them with the Holy Qur’an, then clarifying this in the form of several points for fear of prolongation. The research touched on five topics, the first: defining family dialogue, the second: controls on family dialogue, the third: how to manage family dialogue, the fourth: ideal models in family dialogue, and the fifth: the benefits of family dialogue; He reached results indicating that the Islamic family system is distinct from others, and that there are many family dialogues contained in the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah. It contains useful information on how to manage family dialogue and overcome family problems through ideal dialogue.

How to Cite
Umar, M. (2024). معرفة الحوار الأسري في ضوء القرآن والسنة. International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 7(2), 94-118. https://doi.org/10.47254/insaniah.v7i2.281