Exploring the Utilization of Indonesian Language Among International Students in Bilingual Education: An Analysis of Pedagogical and Cognitive Strategies

  • Refa Lina Tiawati Univerisiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Azman Bin Bidin Univerisiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Suria Baba Univerisiti Malaysia Kelantan
Keywords: BIPA; culture; cognitive; international student; learner


The present research examined the pedagogical and cognitive strategies employed by an Indonesian teacher to enhance the use of the Indonesian language among students in her bilingual class. The study was conducted within the framework of a linguistic ethnographic design. The researcher conducted an observation of the teacher's classroom, documenting observations through the use of field notes. The observation was guided by the framework established by Schwartz and Asli (2014). A semi-structured interview was administered to gather insights into the teacher's viewpoint and difficulties encountered while instructing her bilingual class. The predominant strategy utilized by the teacher was translanguaging within a sentence, with gesture being the subsequent technique most frequently employed. The utilization of a translation methodology was infrequently employed. Notwithstanding the implementation of pedagogical and cognitive methodologies, the educator faced two hindrances: (1) pupils who communicated in English instead of Indonesian and (2) challenges in allocating time.

How to Cite
Tiawati, R. L., Bidin, A., & Baba, S. (2024). Exploring the Utilization of Indonesian Language Among International Students in Bilingual Education: An Analysis of Pedagogical and Cognitive Strategies. International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 7(1), 55 - 67. https://doi.org/10.47254/insaniah.v7i1.268