Learning to Write During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SDN Sidosermo 1 Surabaya

  • Syamsul Ghufron
Keywords: learning to write; learning material; learning media; the Covid-19 pandemic


The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the education setting accross the world. The Indonesian government decided to close all educational institutions as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Many schools also decided to change their learning strategy from face-to-face to online learning. Online learning in learning to write is felt to be very ineffective. To overcome this problem, teachers are required to be more creative in delivering material to students. In order for students to easily understand the learning material, the teacher must take advantage of learning media. Based on these thoughts, this article discusses learning materials and media during the Covid-19 pandemic at SDN Sidosermo 1 Surabaya. The purpose of this qualitstive research is to describe (1) writing learning materials and (2) writing learning media at SDN Sidosermo 1 Surabaya during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data from this study was collected using documentation, questionnaires, and interviews. Results showed that the learning material for online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was based on the Emergency Curriculum. The Emergency Curriculum is a simplification of the National Curriculum (2013) by streamlining learning materials up to 50%. The learning media used by SDN Sidosermo 1 Surabaya teachers including series pictures, poetry reading videos, story videos, Vicon, Google Meet, Sway, Google form, flat shapes, and color discs.

How to Cite
Ghufron, S. (2021). Learning to Write During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SDN Sidosermo 1 Surabaya. International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 66-76. Retrieved from http://insaniah.umk.edu.my/journal/index.php/insaniah/article/view/193