Exploring The Concept of Ihsan and The Intention to Donate Blood Among Male and Female Blood Donors
The act of blood donation is known as one of selfless behaviour towards the other human being. The action is vital to help those in need, either in during emergencies or periodically. However, the concept of ihsan which derived from a combination of altruism, charity and self-identity as a blood donor has yet to be explored in the study of blood donation. Therefore, this study aims to explore the concept of ihsan and the intention to donate blood among university students involved in blood donation. Respondents were recruited from a local university in Selangor. A total of 166 blood donors answered an online questionnaire pertaining to the motivation to donate blood. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) using varimax rotation found that there are five items grouped in one component, namely ihsan. As for descriptive analysis, the result showed that female blood donors displayed a higher mean score (M = 3.90, sd = .66), as compared to male blood donors (M=3.78, sd = .62). Finally, Hierarchical Multiple Regression (enter method) analysis revealed that ihsan (B = .336) is significantly correlated to the intention to donate blood (R2 = .062, F change (1, 163) = 5.37, p < .01, after controlling the aspect of gender . In other words, the concept of ihsan that resembles positive values such as altruism and charity leads to the intention to donate blood among university students, regardless of their gender. Campaign on blood donation should promote the concept of ihsan to strengthen the intention to donate blood among young people in a university setting as it encourages positive values among young people.
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