Communication Effectiveness: A Study at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau
The key to the success of an organization is communication. Good communication is the communication that results in a common opinion among the perpetrators. Effective communication is important in organizations because it will make the organization grow and prosper. Organizational leader as communicator must be able to convey the intended messages to the communicants (employees). The message must be fully understood by employees. If the message is delivered properly, then the communicant will provide feedback to the expectations of communicators. This study aims to determine employee attitudes towards the effectiveness of communication in the office environment of Kebon Sei Berlian PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau. The sampling technique was a total sampling of 60 respondents. Data collection was carried out through literature study and questionnaire distribution. This study uses the Multi Attribute Model (MAM) model to determine employee attitudes towards the effectiveness of communication in the Kebon Sei Berlian Office PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau. The results showed that the attitude of employees towards the bulletin boards in the company environment was underutilized. Employees consider the success of communication that occurs between communicants and communicators. So far, the information conveyed by employees to superiors and coworkers has not experienced problems so that communication is well established.
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